Isnin, Mei 10, 2010

Malaysian Artist - Abdul Latif maulan

Kenapa aku pilih pelukis ni menghiasi blog ni? Jawapannya, aku merasakan Latif ni memang 'born as an artist'. Latif tidak mendapat pendidikan tinggi,tidak belajar seni halus di mana- mana pusat pengajian tinggi. namun begitu, kerana kesungguhan dan minat yang mendalam dalam seni,latif mampu duduk sama rendah,berdiri sama tinggi dengan mana-mana pelukis tersohor negara.
Saja aku sertakan biodata Latif untuk tatapan dan renungan pengunjung.

Education : Sekolah Menengah, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bentung

I was born in 1974, in a village called Kampung Lebu,

Bentung, Malaysia. 1991-1999: Finishing high

school in 1991, I worked as an Advertising Designer at a shopping complex at the small town of Bentung, where I live. I was offered a place as a Resident Artist which I was delighted to accept. There I was able to learn informally about art and I started to become aware of real works of arts and artist. During this period, whilst I was a part time artist at the Gallery I was also working full time as an Advertising Designer.I learned much about the world of art and met several very interesting and famous Malaysian artists, It was the advised and encouragement from these artists that gave me confidence to become a full time artist myself. I participated in a number of group exhibitions which proved to be extremely successful.

1996 Rupa Kata, Pekan Seni Ipoh, Perak, M'sia.

1997 A Question Of Balance, Art Case Gallery, Kuala Lumpur.

1998 Mirror-Mirror On The Wall, Art Case Gallery, Kuala Lumpur.

1999 Miniaturization, Art Case Gallery, Kuala Lumpur.

1999 The Journey Of Malaysian Art, Kuala Lumpur.

2000 Inspirational Travel, USA, Australia
2002-2003 Inspirational Travel England, France, Italy

2004 Melting Pot Of Culture, Great Eastern Mall and Art Case Gallery, Kuala Lumpur
(Demonstration of realism art painting)

2005 Tsunami Fund Art Donation, Malaysian Red Crescent, ART Case Gallery , Kuala Lumpur

2006 PARALLEL UNIVERSE, First Solo Exhibition, Art case Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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